Saturday, August 05, 2006

A Rather August Assembly...

Why? Why can't I stop with the corny tangential semi-meaningless post titles? I dunno; it just seems so much better than "Entry # 275, 8/6/06"...

Anyway, once again, longtime no post from us here... Sorry folks, we have had some computer difficulties, as well as a really busy summer, and we are in the thick of the summer concert season as we speak. August is packed! Come out and see the band.

We had a great time this evening at St. Christopher's Summerfest 2006. Good food, nice crowd, and of course, great music. We'd like to thank St. Chris' staff for hosting such a great event, and including your humble Mighty No-Stars in the mix. Our two newest No-Stars, drummer Paul Warner and saxophonist Greg Connell really outdid themselves this evening, as did the entire group. Come see the band while you can still get in for less than $25 a ticket!!!!

More changes coming at the home website ( Check back often.

Also, don't forget to check us out in Lockport, N.Y. on Saturday, August 26. The Boats & Blues event benefits a very worthy cause...

CU next time. God Bless & Good Blues...