Thursday, June 21, 2007

Mighty Summer Update Number One


The last few weeks have been heavy, to say the least... We have had another line-up change, yours truly had some surgery, and I recently received word that Buffalo music legend Mark Freeland passed away. On a much more personal note, I lost my nephew in a senseless motorcycle accident...

As to the surgery, I am healing slowly, but surely. As somebody said, "What a drag it is, getting old..."

My nephew Joe(y) will always be my little Spider-Man fan, hiding under the kitchen table at bedtime. We will miss you, Joe. And your family will be there for each other...

Three quick Mark Freeland stories--

1) One of my high school music memories is of sneaking into the Continental to dance with "Queen Punk" (that's a whole 'nuther story) and to listen to Mark and Electroman play "Potatoes and Corn" all night on that tiny stage. Also, playing "Nucleork" from the Pegasonics LP on our high school radio station, despite protests from the jugheaded neanderthals in the rocker section of the cafeteria...

2) Years ago, when our friend Tom Henry was sick, we had a benefit for him with a bunch of local talent. Tom and Mark where friends, but Mark was not invited to perform at the benefit. He staged a coup (literally-- he took the stage), and, in tribute to Tom, performed a condensed one-man version of the entire Jimi Hendrix movie; it was actually quite impressive...

3) Also years ago, at a time that was apparently not as musically or artistically fruitful for Mark as the past had been (this was in the early 90's?), I was sort of subbing long-term with Lance Diamond down at the Elmwood Lounge (the gig that goes on forever, apparently). Anyway, I'm playing drums with Lance, and Mark brings down his amp and guitar to sit-in, and he basically commandeers a little section of stage. Lance is a bit uncomfortable, but doesn't seem to be able to say "no." So Mark plugs in and begins to wail "out" stuff at high volume all night (and when he wasn't, he was grabbing sticks from my bag and wailing on the bell of my cymbal). He bequethed us a real musical memory, if not a memorable musical performance!

The first "Wild on the Water" Blues Cruise for the SPCA went very well. Despite some challenges, all of the current members of Your Mighty No-Stars did a great job under pressure
(what else would you expect from real pros like these?). The next cruise on the Miss Buffalo II is on August 26th. Get your tickets through the SPCA or Buffalo Harbor Cruises. It's going to be a blast!

Time to catch our collective breath and look towards a positive Summer 2007 season...

* Our old friend Adam Cesar will be subbing with us on the summer tour this year; stop by a gig and say howdy.

* Dates are up (with a few stragglers still coming in) at both, and at our MySpace site ( Lots of great gigs to see the band at this year!

* The new CD ("Blues Power") is available at live shows and at the home website. Don't forget both "WBFO Gives Me The Blues," Volumes I & II as well (

* Speaking of the home website, the major overhaul we have been working on is basically complete (although we still anticipate some hip additions, including video, more product in the No-Star Store, etc., etc.). Stop by and check out our new look and feel on the web. There are a bunch of new sections, including the No-Star Nation (you can join today!). Stay tuned for tweaks, new photos, a special "Know Your No-Stars" section, and more. Everybody say "Yeah" for webmaster Bill O'Shea!!!!

Check here for more frequent updates, and we'll see you at a gig!

God Bless & Good Blues,


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